1."EUROTEACH-2007" - LLP-Ldv-VETPRO-07-BG-166053
( European standards in professional education )
exchange for teachers in the professional education in the field of optics and fine mechanics.
1. National Professional School of precise technics and optics " M. V. Lomonossov"- Sofia / www.lomonosov-bg.com /
2. Organization Geselschaft fur Europabildung /GEB/ Berlin, Germany / www.europabildung.org /
(Improuving the professional education in the field of ecology and biotechnologies )
exchange for teachers in the professional education in the field of ecology and biotechnologies.
1. Professional School of ecology and biotechnologies "Prof. Asen Zlatarev"- Sofia
2. Organization Geselschaft fur Europabildung /GEB/ - Berlin, GERMANY / www.europabildung.org /.
"EDU PHARMACOS"- 2008-1-BG1-LEO03-00315
(the European technological experience in the production of pharmaceutical, perfume and cosmetics products).
exchange for teachers in the professional education in the field of pharmacy, parfumery and cosmetics.
1. The Professional School of Chemical and Microbiological Technologies "Prof. Pencho Raykov" -Sofia
2. Maison de la Promotion Sociale (MPS) -Bordeaux, FRANCE / www.mps-aquitaine.org /